Preparing Future Professionals
Thinking about a career in business, government, or the non-profit sector? These sessions will help you to decide what type of position could be best for you. Join us for National Labs Day or any of the other one-day conferences — topics include how to choose between the academy and industry, how or if you should prepare for a postdoctoral position, the transition away from graduate school, and discussions of careers and opportunities in specific fields.
Data Science Summit
Representatives from industry and academia will discuss the latest trends and issues in data science, and the variety of current and future career paths related to data science. The day will open and close with keynote presentations, along with six brief talks plus Q&A, and a wrap-up panel discussion. There will also be ample time for networking and small group discussions during meals, breaks, and a reception at the end of the day.
Humanities Day
Graduate student conference that showcases the diversity of career pathways available to PhD students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. It is part of a weekend long experience that includes the 6th Annual IH-Grad Con on Saturday, providing students an opportunity to present their own research and projects. Our goal for Humanities Day is to help students become more aware of PhD career pathways outside the academy and to help them become well versed in the skills and traits that will make them more competitive for non-academy jobs.
National Labs Day
Showcases research and career pathways available at the National Labs. It is both a mini-conference with research talks, and also professional development for our graduate students, postdocs and junior researchers. We have invited representatives from each of six national labs to speak and serve on a panel: Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL), Sandia National Labs (SNL), Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (LBNL), the Joint Genome Institute (JGI), Los Alamos National Labs (LANL), and Idaho National Labs (INL).
Faculty Careers Day
Highlights academic career pathways at primarily teaching institutions. Faculty and Academic Administrators from California Community Colleges and California State Universities will visit the campus to share their experiences and advice about faculty careers at community and state institutions with a primary mission of undergraduate education and research. All graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are welcome.
Public Service Careers Day
Graduate Division’s Public Service Careers Conference, is aimed for early career researchers (ECR, i.e. graduate students and postdoctoral scholars) considering future careers in this diverse sector, full of many possibilities. In this conference series, ECRs will get opportunities to hear from and engage with professionals who are pursuing/have pursued intellectually fulfilling and engaging careers in public service.